Dress Down 褪除武装

这里有一个 Dress Down 褪除武装 小技巧的速查手册。


来自MH2的沉睡杀手,因为这张结界有闪现异能,可以创造一些有趣的互动。例如可以通过令 Urza's Saga 克撒传 生成的 构造体 失去异能而变为 0/0。还有对于一些“当XXX进场时”的互动,例如响应 塔萨的先知 进场,让 塔萨的先知 失去其进场异能。

另外基本用法就是在对方回合结束时闪现 Dress Down,为自己下一回合部署 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 天怒泰坦乌洛。Uro 会失去进场抓牌/放地/牺牲的效应,Phyrexian Dreadnought  同理。

至于躲开对手的 Solitude / Endurance 坚忍 算不算赚牌那就见仁见智了,充满可以灵活运用的卡牌总是薪传的魅力。

但要注意的是,Dress Down 能去掉猴子 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 因 Dash 获得的敏捷异能,但不能去掉回手异能(涉及一些层的知识)。

Dress Down also leads to some of the more unique and sometime frustrating things in Magic, when it comes to the Layer system. The major places this will be seen is in cards like Painter's Servant, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, and Magus of the Moon.

  • In the case of Painter, because of how Painter's ability is applied in the layer system the end result of a Dress Down in play is that every permanent will still be the color that you picked for Painter in addition to, as the effect Painter applies is in Layer 5, while the effect of Dress Down removing abilities is in Layer 6.
  • The same thing here applies to Dryad and Magus of the Moon. While Dress Down will remove the extra land drop function of Dryad, all the lands will still retain the land types granted by Dryad, and for Magus all the nonbasic lands will still be Mountains. Both of these cards set these abilities in earlier Layers than Layer 6, which is when the abilities get removed.

The final interaction to talk about here is the weirdest one but it probably won't come up too often in Legacy and that's what happens when Dress Down itself becomes a creature. In this case, the Dress Down will remove its own abilities as well, which includes the triggered ability that causes it to be sacrificed at the beginning of the end step.


Dress Down 褪除武装